Friday, April 30, 2010

Post 14 - Which game should I get in May?

Posted by Locke_Downe 11:17 AM, under | 2 comments


Alright guys so pretty simple post here. Which game do you think I should get this month, if any? You see, I kind of narrowed down three I'm very interested in and considering I can't really spend that much right now, I can only afford one. So I want your guy's opinion!

First off we have Red Dead Redemption which is created by the same team as GTA IV. Now I haven't played a wild west game in decades and this could be a really awesome change of pace! I also heard it's open world and I love that! So I'm really liking this!

Secondly is 3D Dot game heroes. Very retro and a lot like Zelda. I know it'll be rare soon and I want a copy before it goes extinct, but I don't know. Maybe I could be holding off on this for now.

And last but not least is Skate 3! I love the first one, Loved the demo, it's a lot better than Skate 2. I haven't played a good skateboarding game in a long time so this would also be a change! Multiplayer on this looks almost as good as Red Dead Redemption though.

So there you have it! You heard how I feel (briefly) so now you tell me which one I should get! If you have any other suggestions please let me know in the comment section below! Thank you.


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Post 13 - Challenging Myself

Posted by Locke_Downe 7:49 AM, under | 1 comment


Well it seems like almost every two or three months I always start challenging myself again. More recently I told myself I was going to Platinum Grand Theft Auto IV and well, I'm REALLY close. Just as of lately, I told myself that I wanted to get into shape, and when I say get into shape I mean like Cloud's sort of build from Advent Children kind of shape! Being a gamer, the out doors is something I normally only see when I'm hanging out with friends or going to work or get something, but as of now I'm going to have to start jogging, lifting weights, doing sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups all that wonderful stuff. The goal is, if in two months I can manage to accomplish that I'll be getting myself an Ipod Touch.

Now I've never really been the kind of guy who needed an MP3 player with me to be happy, but the Ipod touch is starting to look like too much to resist. So I'm really hoping some of my friends will jump on board and help me out with this challenge because I really need it!

Aside from that when it comes to challenging myself, I want to learn a variety of new songs and techniques on the guitar, Hybrid Phoenix if you're listening - please help me out! I could really use your expertise! I just started learning Bo Burnham's "A Love Ballad" to make use of the Capo I just got but still I'm not progressing as quickly as I would like too.

In the end, everything else seems to be going alright. I still got a lot of loose ends to tie off but we'll see how that unfolds soon. As for you guys, tell me how you've all been and if there's anything you challenge yourselves with! It's always cool to hear about other people's life challenges! Can't wait to hear from you guys! Locke Out.

- Locke Downe

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Post 12 - Two Quick Things

Posted by Locke_Downe 9:53 AM, under | No comments


Alright, so first off I'm REALLY excited about Fallout: New Vegas. I must admit, when it was first announced I was skeptical but now I can't WAIT!!! It just looks so amazing! There's all sorts of websites on Google that actually have screens of the game now so make sure to go check them out and if anything new gets released let me know!

Secondly, I just found out how to get out of the demo area in Skate 3! So go check it out! It's in the featured video this week, so big props to achievement hunter for that! Until next time guys, keep on gaming! There will also be a new video this weekend. Sorry for the wait.

- Locke Downe

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Post 11 - Fallout New Vegas News

Posted by Locke_Downe 7:56 PM, under | No comments


Alright, so like all of you already know, I'm a friggin' HUGE Fallout 3 fan. To me Fallout 3 is the equivalent if not even better than Oblivion, and for me, that's saying a lot! Normally a game of Bethesda's quality ends up taking years if not a decade to design and complete. However thanks to the amazing developers over at Obsideon we won't have to wait ten years to get our next taste of Fallout. Due to release this fall is Fallout: New Vegas.

Now ever since this game started development a lot's remained secret. However, I managed to find out a little bit about this title that might interest you. So please allow me to tell you.


Apparently Fallout: New Vegas takes place two or three years after Fallout 3 but has no connection to it what so ever. It actually ties in with Fallout 1 and 2 more than Fallout 3. The story follows you, a courier who was traveling the Mojave dessert and left for dead in some un-marked grave hole. You're soon dug out by Victor ( A Robot TV ) and rescued by Doctor Mitchell who helps you through out at least the starting of the game. Now this much I know, as for the rest, it's a mystery.


Gameplay will be the same as Fallout 3 with some slight differences. Karma will return only to be paired with a new alignment gauge known as reputation (from Fallout 2). How the reputation works, I'm not sure. V.A.T.S will return same as the last time around but with added moves for Melee items, such as "FORE!!!" for a golf club. For the most dedicated players HARDCORE mode will offer a variety of new challenges to face while playing. Such as: Ammo will have weight to it. You will be required to drink water in order to stay hydrated. Stimpacks heal over time rather than right away and a couple more slight differences. Over-all the game seems promising and I truly can't wait.

Aside from that I managed to find some previously un-released screens and concept art to share with you guys! I hope you enjoy it, and really hope that this fall you all will be picking up Fallout: New Vegas.



So that's all on Fallout: New Vegas for now. Let me know what you think in the comment section below. Thank you all for reading and have a good day!

Check out THE VAULT for all your Fallout news!

- Locke Downe

Post 10 - Top Ten Favorite Things About Gaming

Posted by Locke_Downe 6:14 PM, under | No comments

Top Ten Favorite Things About Gaming

Alright, well I couldn't really think of too much to blog on today, so I figured I would share with you my top ten favorite things about gaming. Hope you enjoy, and all of these are PERSONAL! I didn't like take a poll or something. So enjoy.

10. The Music

Music is a big part of almost everyone's lives, and while I may not be a music connoisseur I definitely enjoy it! Especially in games. Video games have brought us some of the best original music I've ever seen (Final Fantasy, Metal Gear and Mystical Ninja for example) as well as many popular new titles from all sorts of different recording artists we may have never heard of before (like Crush 40 from Sonic, or The Black Mages from Final Fantasy). I know music is definitely not the most important part of a game, but trust me I definitely appreciate it's contribution and without gaming wouldn't be the same! Music... You deserve sex!

9. The Action

Now call it stereotypical or whatever, but trust me! Without the action, games would be bland!... and that's not for every game. Games like Animal Crossing and Tetris are still fun, but the games that do have action like God of War and Modern Warfare wouldn't be the same without it! I remember the action scenes in Advent Children Complete (I know it's a movie, but it's a movie BASED OFF A GAME!) totally blew me away! It forever stained my memory with amazement and for that I'm thankful!

8. The Lifestyle

A lot of people wouldn't call a gamer's lifestyle glamorous but it depends on how you look at it and how far you go! I'm talking about the kind of lifestyle where you have a large collection of games, a beautiful girlfriend (rare, but in some cases it does happen... sorry...), you come home at night to enjoy a nice cold glass of your favorite beverage and play your favorite games with your friends for hours on end! I love the gamer lifestyle and it's something I don't think people really appreciate much anymore. The Gamer life is the greatest life!

7. The Visuals

Every game I've seen through out the coarse of game history has always tried to out do the others in graphics. Along the way we've seen eye stunning realism, 3-D technology, cartoonish art style and I wide variety of expressive titles. Some even being a game completely about the art itself! The visuals play a huge part in the gaming industry and being an artist myself I have to say, without the visuals. Games would simply be text on a screen! So appreciate it!!!

6. The Games

What would this list be without the games!? Well the games are of coarse the core part, but what I like most about them is their diversity and the ability to collect them! There's so many different games out there, and being a collector, I want them all! Sure it may sound greedy but to be honest that's probably the most fun part for me. Sure, it's always great to suit up into a good game and make yourself believe you're living this alternate life where no one can truly harm you, but in reality it's being able to hold them and enjoy them that really counts.

5. The Togetherness

Multiplayer has almost always been included in games, but that's not really what I'm talking about (to an extent). I'm talking about the times when you're just getting to school in the morning and you spend your breakfast time ranting about how you collected all the stars in Super Mario to your best friend, or when you decide to pull an all nighter with a friend to beat Kingdom Hearts once and for all, or even just to chill and take turns playing Skate. It's these moments that are truly important, but not just that! Even Youtube! Gaming is what brought most of us together! It's common ground, something we can all appreciate and that's just one the things I love about gaming. If anything, this should be higher on the list cause I feel like it's really important!

4. The Stories

Some of the stories I've experienced in games were just unbelievable. I honestly just can't say enough. Some have made me cry, feel angry, left me wanting to know more and just utterly confused me. Stories are truly valuable. If you're a story freak here's a list of games YOU NEED to check out:

- Metal Gear Solid Series
- Final Fantasy Series
- Kingdom Hearts Series
- Silent Hill Shattered Memories
- The Darkness
- Fallout 3
- Oblivion
- Assassin's Creed Series
- Indigo Prophecy
- Heavy Rain
- Bioshock series

and no doubt many many more.

3. The Characters

Cloud, Squall, Snake, Raiden, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Mario, Link, Sephiroth, Tifa, Niko, Sonic, Shadow, Spyro, Crash, Nathan Drake, oh my God! All the amazing character's we've seen over the years. I love character developing stories and I have to say these guys make a lot of games worth it. Would Final Fantasy VII be the same with Cait Sith as the main character and Tom Morello as the villain? Of coarse not! So the characters are a VERY important part and when designing my own stories or games I just absolutely love creating characters! Rock on guys!

2. The Memories

Who here can say they don't appreciate all the wonderful memories? I remember getting all the pigeons in Grand Theft Auto IV with Josh, and the time Jeremy and I stayed up all night to beat Zelda: Majora's Mask just so he could see the story! I remember the first time I played Resistance: Fall of Man online and the first time we won a clan battle! I remember getting Mario 64, Mario Kart 64 and my N64 from Zellers after saving up my allowance for over six months. I remember a lot, and truly every moment is important to me. I honestly can't wait to have more.

1. The Feeling

The feeling of being a gamer, can't be described. It has to be experienced. Those of you out there who consider yourself to be hardcore gamers know what I mean. It's the feeling of power, courage, wisdom, accomplishment, insight and everything else. The feeling of truly being in control of everything around you.. When you play games you jump into a different life. A life that's not your own. You can be an astronaut, a soldier, a mage, a warrior, a basketball player, anything! You can truly become whatever you want, and that feeling when you do, just can't be described. It's kind of life a compilation of everything on this list all mashed into one. That's the only way I can describe it, and it has to be my over-all favorite thing about gaming.

- Locke Downe

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Post 9 - Looking for Questions

Posted by Locke_Downe 10:15 AM, under | No comments


Alright, this one here is a pretty simple post. I need questions. Any questions you guys might have for me. Anything! I want you to post it in the comment section below or message me them on Youtube or Facebook. I want to try and gather up as many questions as I can to answer them for you in a future video.

Now you can ask questions about me, people in Videoslave, or about anything random at all and we'll pick the best ones (The one's we all like the most and answer them for you guys. Just try to make sure we know who your question is for. Like put "This one is for Locke..." or something like that at the start. Alright? So sorry, no pictures for this post, just text. I know boring right? Well anyways, message me as soon as you can! Thanks

- Locke Downe

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Post 8 - Update Video (April 2010)

Posted by Locke_Downe 8:41 PM, under | No comments


Alright guys, so after not posting for two weeks I managed to at least get one video out. It's not much, mainly just a small update. After watching it though, I felt like there's a lot I left out. A couple other things I've been up to include: Playing God of War 3, Drawing again (Yes!), Playing a CRAP LOAD of guitar, watching a lot of movies and trying to spend time with friends.

As mentioned in the video, yes I'm still looking for a place to move out, but that's still not for a while. I need a bit more money put away first. Boy, am I nervous, but hey! Freedom's worth it right? Anyways, On the gaming spectrum I just managed to finish watching the PSN exclusive reality show "The Tester". I'm not one for reality TV, but to be honest, it wasn't bad. My second favorite person won! So that's good right. Also, if any of you were interested in the Pigeon DP from GTA here it is!

Also, did you guys like having Boco in the video? Please let me know in the comment section below.... unintentional rhyme right there... Alright guys. Until next time thank you for reading and keep on gaming!

- Locke Downe


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Post 7 - Ballad of Gay Tony (PS3) Impressions

Posted by Locke_Downe 7:25 PM, under | 1 comment


(The Lost and the Damned Impressions coming soon)

Locke Downe:

Grand Theft Auto is one of my all time favorite franchises. It's funny, it's fast-paced, it's difficult at times and easy to jump into and just have fun, but most of all, it's liberating. GTA is always one of those games that just makes you feel free and with what Grand Theft Auto IV managed to do, The Ballad of Gay Tony takes further. More cars, more activities, more characters, more content over-all! It's still GTA IV but with so much more, which to me makes this a steal at $19.99 (CDN).

My favorite thing about it up to this point is not only the new guns and vehicles, but definitely the fact that they brought back the parachute! I was a huge fan of it in San Andreas and it's good to see it return now. As for the game itself though, it's definitely more colorful than GTA IV, but I have noticed it to be rather glitchy. Like, more pop-ins, slower frame-rate and some of that stuff, but it was never enough to ruin the experience.

Sebastian Kain:

My over-all opinion of Grand Theft Auto 4: The Ballad of Gay Tony is that it is a very entertaining DLC. So far I haven’t noticed any problems with it what so ever. It allows the player to enjoy a plethora of activities from club management to sky diving. It also offers a wide variety of vehicles and weapons for the player to use at his or her disposal. The only thing I didn’t like was that the disc copy includes an updated, and in my opinion, much better and enjoyable soundtrack. Finally, this is Kain saying hope you have as much fun playing it as I ‘am. So check out this awesome trailer for it as well!!!

Girl Gamer Arrow:

The graphics were amazing, cool new cars added, hilarious yet offensive tv shows lol, hours of fun by free falling with the parashoots, difficult yet fun and cool fight scenes, and the multiplayer is still unmatched! I just wish I could get a chance to experience it more! Grr.. I'll be getting a PS3 soon

- Locke Downe, Sebastian Kain, Girl Gamer Arrow

Should I Pick Up This DLC?
Yes you should, but if you get a chance, buy the disk version! It's worth the radio station!


Post 6 - Marvel VS. Capcom 3

Posted by Locke_Downe 9:46 AM, under | No comments


After many years of waiting, fighting fans of the classing Marvel VS. Capcom franchise can rejoice at the announcement of a third title in the franchise. Up to know only six characters have been announced included Ryu (Capcom), The Hulk (Marvel), Ironman (Marvel), and new to the roster Chris Redfield from Resident Evil 5. Just to name a few.

I myself have never really been a hard-core fan of the fighting franchise, however I really do want to download Marvel VS. Capcom 2 off of the PSN, and while I hope to do so soon, for now I can show you guys the new teaser for Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Hope you guys enjoy, and please let us know who your favorite Marvel VS. Capcom character is!


Thank you all for reading this early morning post and please make sure to comment in the comment section below. Hope you're all having a wonderful day and make sure to check back soon!

- Locke Downe


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Post 5 - Sherlock Holmes (2009) Review

Posted by Locke_Downe 11:33 AM, under | 2 comments


Movies now at days always have high expectations. If look back in the past year or so we'll see some phenomenal additions to the over-all movie library that will soon go down in legend amongst the best of them. Star Trek, X-men Origins: Wolverine and Avatar just to name a few, but the main question here is: Will Sherlock Holmes be one of these movies? Let's indulge.

First off the movie stars Robert Downey Jr. (Sherlock Holmes), Jude Law (Watson), Rachel McAdams (Irene Adler) and Mark Strong (Lord Blackwood). All of which do an amazing job at portraying their characters with some minor flaws in authenticity, in the least everyone's performance is believable. The way the characters interact with each other is what really keeps the movie going. Jude Law and Robert Downey Jr. were an absolute perfect match and played off each other magnificently. As far as acting goes, the accents were quite good, the dialogue was very top notch and everything felt, at least, believable.

The story was very well crafted, but unfortunately aside from the dry humor, it wasn't enough to stand out amongst most other detective movies out there. It's just one of those forgettable stories you sit down to watch for an hour and realize the only reason you watched it was for the comedy and action, which Sherlock Holmes does quite well. Now, some of the humor may be a little difficult to understand in this day and age but that just goes to show how amazing the attention to detail was. The script was written fantastically, but unfortunately the story kind of cut short. However, it was entertaining none the less.

Graphically this movie has a style that feels unique. Almost as if it's got it's own filter over the film. CG wasn't used to an extreme, however in a lot of scene where CG is used you can often tell it's there. Aside from that, the plot pieces fell together nicely.

For me, the main capture of the movie was the fight sequences where Sherlock Holmes would evaluate and calculate a fight sequence before it would happen (in slow motion) and then it would rewind and we'd see the whole fight take place in a barrage of hits and blows. This here was awesome but unfortunately not done enough. There was probably ten or fifteen fights in the movie and only about three used this. I wish every fight would of had this in it! It was like it's own version of V.A.T.S from Bethesda's Fallout 3!

In conclusion, the movie was more than enjoyable and added some cool techniques, both with action and camera angles. Will it set the bar for movies in the future? Probably not, but still none the less enjoyable. My recommendation is to rent it first and if you truly adore it, pick it up. Aside from that, wait until it's ten dollars and grab then, cause at that point, it'll be totally worth it.


Story - 7.0 out of 10
Characters - 8.5 out of 10
Graphics - 8.5 out of 10
Sound - 9.0 out of 10

How Much Should I Pay To Own This? - $14.99

Overall - 8.2 out of 10

Thank you everyone for reading. I hope you enjoyed this review, and please expect many more in the near future.

- Locke Downe


Post 4 - Bioshock Humor

Posted by Locke_Downe 8:12 AM, under | No comments


As many of you already know. I'm a huge fan of Bioshock. I managed to find some pretty funny images based around the wonderful world of Rature to share with you guys. Most of these pics come from So if you're interested in seeing more hilarious photos you can go check out Halolz or stay tuned here for more. So without dragging on anymore let's get right into the wondrous humor of Rapture. Here we go:



I hope you all enjoyed that and expect another exciting post very soon! Also, make sure to tell your friends about us too! The more, the better!

-Locke Downe


Monday, April 19, 2010

Post 3 - Heavy Rain Phoenix Review

Posted by Locke_Downe 8:26 PM, under | No comments

(May contain spoilers)

I finished playing through Heavy Rain pretty much a week ago, and now that I've had time to process, go back and replay a handful of endings, I feel like I'm ready to offer up a review.

To start off, Heavy Rain tells the story of 4 seemingly unrelated characters (main characters) that all seem to be going towards a similar goal, uncovering the mystery that is the Origami Killer. Each character has their own reason to be on the hunt, taking the player on a miriad of adventures.

As previously mentioned, Heavy Rain focuses on 4 individuals, Ethan Mars, Scott Shelby, Norman Jayden and Madison Paige. Each character has a set of unique attributes, flaws, and quirks that make playing them truly interesting,

Ethan Mars: Father of the missing son, desperately on the trail to prevent the death of his son, his character is particularly interesting and challenging to play due to the desperation in the character.

Scott Shelby: A former cop and Private Investigator, Shelby takes you through the town as he questions the former victims families. He has high charisma which allows him to gain information that the families are initially unwilling to unveil.

Norman Jayden: An FBI profiler, Jayden has been assigned to the case to attempt to use his superior logic to pinpoint the location and identity of the killer. He has a pretty interesting tool called ARI that allows him to see evidence and crime scenes in a truly unique way. This makes your job as FBI investigator extremely fun.

Madison Paige: Madison get's pulled into the story when she lands in the same location as Ethan by chance. With high wit, connections, and the willingness to help Ethan at all costs, she allows the player to progress the story in subtle ways behind the scenes and get into the underbelly of the city.

These may seem like some week characters, but it's hard to talk about them too much without spoiling some of the story. This is truly a game that needs to be experienced fresh from start to finish.

Story, plot, execution

As previously mentioned, the story takes the player on an adventure to discover the truth behind the Origami killings. The victims are all young boys who have been drowned, had mud placed on their face, a orchid on their chest, and an Origami figure in their hand. No one ever sees the kid go missing, even though it typically happens during the day in public places. The story picks up for our characters when Ethan's son get's kidnapped, creating a fresh trail for Jayden to search, and a new leverage for Shelby to use on the families of former victims. As Jayden is focusing on the current, Shelby tends to take the player to the past to try and uncover the identity of the killer. All the while Madison uses the opportunity to help Ethan without his knowledge with her connections. Madison's role is hard to describe without giving away some of the larger plot elements of the story, so forgive me for that.

Overall, one of the best stories in a game I've ever played. The execution is fantastic, there are times when your character knows something before you do, which really adds to the overall emotions as you reach the end. Each characters story is fun, unique, challenging and have tons of outcomes. Depending on the choices and actions you make can completely change your ending, and these important choices start almost instantly as you play the game. Characters can die in multiple ways, situations and points in the game, and rather than restarting from the point they die, that's it, that character is gone and you have to keep going from that point, reshaping your ending.

Due to the amount of endings you can achieve this game has tons of replay value. With the option of picking up from any chapter and point in the game, you can really utilize all the outcomes and easily milk this 7-12 hour game to 20 or more depending on whether or not you feel like replaying right from the start or just from closer to the end to see just how much little choices affect the ending. So if the length concerned you, I wouldn't worry too much about it just because of how much fun you can have going back and making different choices. Personally I see myself going back to this in 6 months to a year and replaying with a fresh face on it just to see what my outcome would be.

Very, very unique gameplay. Every action your character performs is controlled by you. To do minor movements you'll be required to twist and turn the analogue sticks in different ways, in moments of action, you'll have to press buttons and combinations in the allotted time or else your character could be in serious danger. Even something like jumping or climbing will require a different series of button combos, stick movements or even controller moving. This game really puts the power of sixaxis dualshock 3 to it's maximum output allowing players to perform tasks as easy as brushing your teeth, to slamming something into a wall.

When talking or interacting, a series of different words will swirl above your head with a different button corresponding. These choices will depend on how you respond to a character, what you ask a question about, and so on. So imagine someone's doing something they shouldn't be, you could get a couple words like X: Persuade, O: Threaten, square: sympathize, and so on. Depending on how you respond will push the person you're interacting with to a different state of emotion.

People worried about the challenge, don't fret too much, before the game starts, you can pick the difficulty of the controls, and this difficulty can be changed at any point in the game.

While playing I never ran into any issues or glitches with the controls, everything was fluid and depended on me performing the right movements rather than hoping the controller would pick up on it.

They also implemented a really cool aspect to the game that if you're character was on it's way to interact with someone, or away from someone they should be focusing on, it would cut to split screens, one with your character, doing whatever you're controlling it to, and then either what they need to be focusing on in order to get through, or where they're headed. So say you were distracting someone, half the screen would show the distraction and the people who were trying to solve it, then you would be moving towards your destination on the other half.

This game is heavily story driven so it's more like playing a movie and getting to control the protagonists than playing a video game. This may seem off putting to some people, but for me, and my girlfriend who watched me play, the story aspect is really what drug us in. Knowing that it wasn't how hard you could hit the attack button that would get you out of a tight situation, but purely your attention and quick hand that would get you to your destination. The story progressed in such a unique way that it was hard to put down the controller because it felt like you were watching a movie where you controlled the outcome. This is a real testament to the game creators because I can only imagine how hard it was to program a game like this with so many outcomes on a large and small scale.


The graphics in this game were fantastic. Seeing as it's extremely story driven a lot of it is a cut scene in which your character can perform various movements in that situations, but sometimes you get the full fledged cut scene experience. As such, a lot of time and dedication went into the character designs, making them look as real as possible. With a full range of emotion, interaction with the environment, this is easily the most realistic game I've played.

The graphics would incorporate each event that happened to you, like if you slipped and fell in mud, wherever you fell would get dirty in the exact place you fell and in a way that seems extremely realistic, cuts were dependent on how badly and where you hurt yourself.

The environments were all extremely well done. All the locations are properly textured, and developers took the time to make sure there were subtle additions to the backgrounds. Due to the fact that the game takes place almost entirely in rain, this could have made texturing and making characters interacting with the environments difficult, but they executed it flawlessly. Characters become wet in accordance to the time they're outside, the rain drips off them and their surroundings realistically, and so much more. The dreary sky is perfectly created when some days are perfect overcast, while otherdays have slight glimmers of sun through the clouds.

I could go on, but I don't know how many more ways I can tell you that the graphics are some of the most realistic thing you'll witness in a video game to date.

Great soundtrack for the game. When there was music playing it was perfectly fitting to the situation, getting progressively more intense or "epic" as you reached the outcome. There were a multitude of songs that would associate themselves with certain character scenes, progressions and actions. They definitely hired the right composers for the songs because they truly display every emotion the characters are going through.

Voice acting was also top notch. I found that every voice matched the character, which doesn't always happen with games, none of the voices were annoying or over the top, and each voice actor played the parts flawlessly.

So, to the overall ratings!

Characters - 8.5 out of 10
Story, plot, execution - 10 out 10
Gameplay - 9 out of 10
Graphics - 9.5 out of 10
Sound - 10 out of 10

Overall Rating - 9.5

While this game might not be for everyone at the 60 dollar price tag, it's definitely a must try. I'd recommend everyone at least renting or borrowing this game because it's truly a unique experience.

-Hybrid Phoenix

(Originally posted on Phoenix Ignition [Blogger] by Amanda Coneen)

Post 2 - Platinuming GTA

Posted by Locke_Downe 7:44 PM, under | 1 comment

Platinuming Grand Theft Auto IV

As many of you know. I'm been on a journey to finally Platinum Grand Theft Auto IV (Playstation 3). My journey is slowly coming to an end. Up to know I've managed to collect all pigeons in the game, beat the game in under 30 hours, meet all the strangers and get all my friends up to over 90%! So as you can tell all is going well. However, something I am uncertain of is whether or not we need the multiplayer trophies to get the platinum. If we do, this is something that's definitely going to take a while, and at that point I might even forfeit.

Some of the online trophies require you to beat a member of Rockstar Games in order to get it. I highly doubt any Rockstar Games employees still play GTA IV. Especially on PS3. However, right now might be the chance for me to get that trophy considering Ballad of Gay Tony and the Lost and the Damned just released, either way we'll have to see.

In the meantime I still have three trophies left to get: Beat 20 single player races, get all the stunt jumps, and complete GTA IV 100%! But you watch, if all you need is the single player trophies, I'll platinum this game by the end of the month! So here we go! This one's for all of you out there that beat Terminator Salvation 100% and considered it to be an achievement! (just joking!)

-Locke Downe


Post 1 - Introduction

Posted by Locke_Downe 10:03 AM, under | No comments


I've been working on this website for a long time now, and after some technical problems with my original blog I decided to open up this channel as my official Blog. Now with this blog I shall be sharing ownership with a lot of my close friends. (Only people involved with Videoslave) so not every post will be by myself, however probably the majority of them will be. This time around I plan on releasing more frequent posts, sometimes up to three or four a day and I have high hopes that many of you will become followers and enjoy all the content we place on this site.

From here you will also have access to many of our other pages including: Youtube pages, Twitter pages, Facebook pages, Personal Blogs and many more. The main purpose of this site is to bring to you guys quality news, humor, information and points of interest about the gaming community, anime, music, movies and everything else entertainment related. So we hope you will all enjoy the content we release and we hope to see you soon. Also, please keep in mind that this site is still under construction and will be official opened soon. Thank you.

- Locke Downe.


Featured Video: Marble Hornet's Introduction: Slenderman

Alright guys, I needed to share this with you because this is one of the creepiest things I've ever seen. After watching this video please go to their main page here and watch every entry. This is some freaky stuff!!!