Sunday, April 25, 2010

Post 10 - Top Ten Favorite Things About Gaming

Posted by Locke_Downe 6:14 PM, under | No comments

Top Ten Favorite Things About Gaming

Alright, well I couldn't really think of too much to blog on today, so I figured I would share with you my top ten favorite things about gaming. Hope you enjoy, and all of these are PERSONAL! I didn't like take a poll or something. So enjoy.

10. The Music

Music is a big part of almost everyone's lives, and while I may not be a music connoisseur I definitely enjoy it! Especially in games. Video games have brought us some of the best original music I've ever seen (Final Fantasy, Metal Gear and Mystical Ninja for example) as well as many popular new titles from all sorts of different recording artists we may have never heard of before (like Crush 40 from Sonic, or The Black Mages from Final Fantasy). I know music is definitely not the most important part of a game, but trust me I definitely appreciate it's contribution and without gaming wouldn't be the same! Music... You deserve sex!

9. The Action

Now call it stereotypical or whatever, but trust me! Without the action, games would be bland!... and that's not for every game. Games like Animal Crossing and Tetris are still fun, but the games that do have action like God of War and Modern Warfare wouldn't be the same without it! I remember the action scenes in Advent Children Complete (I know it's a movie, but it's a movie BASED OFF A GAME!) totally blew me away! It forever stained my memory with amazement and for that I'm thankful!

8. The Lifestyle

A lot of people wouldn't call a gamer's lifestyle glamorous but it depends on how you look at it and how far you go! I'm talking about the kind of lifestyle where you have a large collection of games, a beautiful girlfriend (rare, but in some cases it does happen... sorry...), you come home at night to enjoy a nice cold glass of your favorite beverage and play your favorite games with your friends for hours on end! I love the gamer lifestyle and it's something I don't think people really appreciate much anymore. The Gamer life is the greatest life!

7. The Visuals

Every game I've seen through out the coarse of game history has always tried to out do the others in graphics. Along the way we've seen eye stunning realism, 3-D technology, cartoonish art style and I wide variety of expressive titles. Some even being a game completely about the art itself! The visuals play a huge part in the gaming industry and being an artist myself I have to say, without the visuals. Games would simply be text on a screen! So appreciate it!!!

6. The Games

What would this list be without the games!? Well the games are of coarse the core part, but what I like most about them is their diversity and the ability to collect them! There's so many different games out there, and being a collector, I want them all! Sure it may sound greedy but to be honest that's probably the most fun part for me. Sure, it's always great to suit up into a good game and make yourself believe you're living this alternate life where no one can truly harm you, but in reality it's being able to hold them and enjoy them that really counts.

5. The Togetherness

Multiplayer has almost always been included in games, but that's not really what I'm talking about (to an extent). I'm talking about the times when you're just getting to school in the morning and you spend your breakfast time ranting about how you collected all the stars in Super Mario to your best friend, or when you decide to pull an all nighter with a friend to beat Kingdom Hearts once and for all, or even just to chill and take turns playing Skate. It's these moments that are truly important, but not just that! Even Youtube! Gaming is what brought most of us together! It's common ground, something we can all appreciate and that's just one the things I love about gaming. If anything, this should be higher on the list cause I feel like it's really important!

4. The Stories

Some of the stories I've experienced in games were just unbelievable. I honestly just can't say enough. Some have made me cry, feel angry, left me wanting to know more and just utterly confused me. Stories are truly valuable. If you're a story freak here's a list of games YOU NEED to check out:

- Metal Gear Solid Series
- Final Fantasy Series
- Kingdom Hearts Series
- Silent Hill Shattered Memories
- The Darkness
- Fallout 3
- Oblivion
- Assassin's Creed Series
- Indigo Prophecy
- Heavy Rain
- Bioshock series

and no doubt many many more.

3. The Characters

Cloud, Squall, Snake, Raiden, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Mario, Link, Sephiroth, Tifa, Niko, Sonic, Shadow, Spyro, Crash, Nathan Drake, oh my God! All the amazing character's we've seen over the years. I love character developing stories and I have to say these guys make a lot of games worth it. Would Final Fantasy VII be the same with Cait Sith as the main character and Tom Morello as the villain? Of coarse not! So the characters are a VERY important part and when designing my own stories or games I just absolutely love creating characters! Rock on guys!

2. The Memories

Who here can say they don't appreciate all the wonderful memories? I remember getting all the pigeons in Grand Theft Auto IV with Josh, and the time Jeremy and I stayed up all night to beat Zelda: Majora's Mask just so he could see the story! I remember the first time I played Resistance: Fall of Man online and the first time we won a clan battle! I remember getting Mario 64, Mario Kart 64 and my N64 from Zellers after saving up my allowance for over six months. I remember a lot, and truly every moment is important to me. I honestly can't wait to have more.

1. The Feeling

The feeling of being a gamer, can't be described. It has to be experienced. Those of you out there who consider yourself to be hardcore gamers know what I mean. It's the feeling of power, courage, wisdom, accomplishment, insight and everything else. The feeling of truly being in control of everything around you.. When you play games you jump into a different life. A life that's not your own. You can be an astronaut, a soldier, a mage, a warrior, a basketball player, anything! You can truly become whatever you want, and that feeling when you do, just can't be described. It's kind of life a compilation of everything on this list all mashed into one. That's the only way I can describe it, and it has to be my over-all favorite thing about gaming.

- Locke Downe


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Featured Video: Marble Hornet's Introduction: Slenderman

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