Monday, April 19, 2010

Post 2 - Platinuming GTA

Posted by Locke_Downe 7:44 PM, under | 1 comment

Platinuming Grand Theft Auto IV

As many of you know. I'm been on a journey to finally Platinum Grand Theft Auto IV (Playstation 3). My journey is slowly coming to an end. Up to know I've managed to collect all pigeons in the game, beat the game in under 30 hours, meet all the strangers and get all my friends up to over 90%! So as you can tell all is going well. However, something I am uncertain of is whether or not we need the multiplayer trophies to get the platinum. If we do, this is something that's definitely going to take a while, and at that point I might even forfeit.

Some of the online trophies require you to beat a member of Rockstar Games in order to get it. I highly doubt any Rockstar Games employees still play GTA IV. Especially on PS3. However, right now might be the chance for me to get that trophy considering Ballad of Gay Tony and the Lost and the Damned just released, either way we'll have to see.

In the meantime I still have three trophies left to get: Beat 20 single player races, get all the stunt jumps, and complete GTA IV 100%! But you watch, if all you need is the single player trophies, I'll platinum this game by the end of the month! So here we go! This one's for all of you out there that beat Terminator Salvation 100% and considered it to be an achievement! (just joking!)

-Locke Downe



Your gonna need the multiplayer trophies for it sorry to ruin it for you dude youll probably be able to get most of the multiplayer trophies but one trophy that says get to the highest rank its gonna take you a year sorry to break this man

Your bud Jericho

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Featured Video: Marble Hornet's Introduction: Slenderman

Alright guys, I needed to share this with you because this is one of the creepiest things I've ever seen. After watching this video please go to their main page here and watch every entry. This is some freaky stuff!!!