Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Post 5 - Sherlock Holmes (2009) Review

Posted by Locke_Downe 11:33 AM, under | 2 comments


Movies now at days always have high expectations. If look back in the past year or so we'll see some phenomenal additions to the over-all movie library that will soon go down in legend amongst the best of them. Star Trek, X-men Origins: Wolverine and Avatar just to name a few, but the main question here is: Will Sherlock Holmes be one of these movies? Let's indulge.

First off the movie stars Robert Downey Jr. (Sherlock Holmes), Jude Law (Watson), Rachel McAdams (Irene Adler) and Mark Strong (Lord Blackwood). All of which do an amazing job at portraying their characters with some minor flaws in authenticity, in the least everyone's performance is believable. The way the characters interact with each other is what really keeps the movie going. Jude Law and Robert Downey Jr. were an absolute perfect match and played off each other magnificently. As far as acting goes, the accents were quite good, the dialogue was very top notch and everything felt, at least, believable.

The story was very well crafted, but unfortunately aside from the dry humor, it wasn't enough to stand out amongst most other detective movies out there. It's just one of those forgettable stories you sit down to watch for an hour and realize the only reason you watched it was for the comedy and action, which Sherlock Holmes does quite well. Now, some of the humor may be a little difficult to understand in this day and age but that just goes to show how amazing the attention to detail was. The script was written fantastically, but unfortunately the story kind of cut short. However, it was entertaining none the less.

Graphically this movie has a style that feels unique. Almost as if it's got it's own filter over the film. CG wasn't used to an extreme, however in a lot of scene where CG is used you can often tell it's there. Aside from that, the plot pieces fell together nicely.

For me, the main capture of the movie was the fight sequences where Sherlock Holmes would evaluate and calculate a fight sequence before it would happen (in slow motion) and then it would rewind and we'd see the whole fight take place in a barrage of hits and blows. This here was awesome but unfortunately not done enough. There was probably ten or fifteen fights in the movie and only about three used this. I wish every fight would of had this in it! It was like it's own version of V.A.T.S from Bethesda's Fallout 3!

In conclusion, the movie was more than enjoyable and added some cool techniques, both with action and camera angles. Will it set the bar for movies in the future? Probably not, but still none the less enjoyable. My recommendation is to rent it first and if you truly adore it, pick it up. Aside from that, wait until it's ten dollars and grab then, cause at that point, it'll be totally worth it.


Story - 7.0 out of 10
Characters - 8.5 out of 10
Graphics - 8.5 out of 10
Sound - 9.0 out of 10

How Much Should I Pay To Own This? - $14.99

Overall - 8.2 out of 10

Thank you everyone for reading. I hope you enjoyed this review, and please expect many more in the near future.

- Locke Downe



See I'd give the story an 8, it's classic holmes, and for the time, that would have been the most seemingly amazing feat to accomplish.

It's honestly the first Holmes movie I've seen that actually got everything right. Too many times is Watson portraid as a fool and Holmes a pure intellectual. Ritchie did a great justice to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's classic stories.

Overall I'd give it a solid 8.5

And since I paid around 28 bucks for it on brd, I guess that's how much I'm willing to spend aha

It wasn't the most amazing movie I saw that was released in 09 (christmas day) but it's the best movie I've seen in 2010 so far.

I completely agree with you Locke, it was a good movie, but not fantastic, and yeah they should have added more slow-mo.

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