Thursday, April 22, 2010

Post 8 - Update Video (April 2010)

Posted by Locke_Downe 8:41 PM, under | No comments


Alright guys, so after not posting for two weeks I managed to at least get one video out. It's not much, mainly just a small update. After watching it though, I felt like there's a lot I left out. A couple other things I've been up to include: Playing God of War 3, Drawing again (Yes!), Playing a CRAP LOAD of guitar, watching a lot of movies and trying to spend time with friends.

As mentioned in the video, yes I'm still looking for a place to move out, but that's still not for a while. I need a bit more money put away first. Boy, am I nervous, but hey! Freedom's worth it right? Anyways, On the gaming spectrum I just managed to finish watching the PSN exclusive reality show "The Tester". I'm not one for reality TV, but to be honest, it wasn't bad. My second favorite person won! So that's good right. Also, if any of you were interested in the Pigeon DP from GTA here it is!

Also, did you guys like having Boco in the video? Please let me know in the comment section below.... unintentional rhyme right there... Alright guys. Until next time thank you for reading and keep on gaming!

- Locke Downe



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Featured Video: Marble Hornet's Introduction: Slenderman

Alright guys, I needed to share this with you because this is one of the creepiest things I've ever seen. After watching this video please go to their main page here and watch every entry. This is some freaky stuff!!!