Sunday, April 25, 2010

Post 11 - Fallout New Vegas News

Posted by Locke_Downe 7:56 PM, under | No comments


Alright, so like all of you already know, I'm a friggin' HUGE Fallout 3 fan. To me Fallout 3 is the equivalent if not even better than Oblivion, and for me, that's saying a lot! Normally a game of Bethesda's quality ends up taking years if not a decade to design and complete. However thanks to the amazing developers over at Obsideon we won't have to wait ten years to get our next taste of Fallout. Due to release this fall is Fallout: New Vegas.

Now ever since this game started development a lot's remained secret. However, I managed to find out a little bit about this title that might interest you. So please allow me to tell you.


Apparently Fallout: New Vegas takes place two or three years after Fallout 3 but has no connection to it what so ever. It actually ties in with Fallout 1 and 2 more than Fallout 3. The story follows you, a courier who was traveling the Mojave dessert and left for dead in some un-marked grave hole. You're soon dug out by Victor ( A Robot TV ) and rescued by Doctor Mitchell who helps you through out at least the starting of the game. Now this much I know, as for the rest, it's a mystery.


Gameplay will be the same as Fallout 3 with some slight differences. Karma will return only to be paired with a new alignment gauge known as reputation (from Fallout 2). How the reputation works, I'm not sure. V.A.T.S will return same as the last time around but with added moves for Melee items, such as "FORE!!!" for a golf club. For the most dedicated players HARDCORE mode will offer a variety of new challenges to face while playing. Such as: Ammo will have weight to it. You will be required to drink water in order to stay hydrated. Stimpacks heal over time rather than right away and a couple more slight differences. Over-all the game seems promising and I truly can't wait.

Aside from that I managed to find some previously un-released screens and concept art to share with you guys! I hope you enjoy it, and really hope that this fall you all will be picking up Fallout: New Vegas.



So that's all on Fallout: New Vegas for now. Let me know what you think in the comment section below. Thank you all for reading and have a good day!

Check out THE VAULT for all your Fallout news!

- Locke Downe


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Featured Video: Marble Hornet's Introduction: Slenderman

Alright guys, I needed to share this with you because this is one of the creepiest things I've ever seen. After watching this video please go to their main page here and watch every entry. This is some freaky stuff!!!