Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Post 7 - Ballad of Gay Tony (PS3) Impressions

Posted by Locke_Downe 7:25 PM, under | 1 comment


(The Lost and the Damned Impressions coming soon)

Locke Downe:

Grand Theft Auto is one of my all time favorite franchises. It's funny, it's fast-paced, it's difficult at times and easy to jump into and just have fun, but most of all, it's liberating. GTA is always one of those games that just makes you feel free and with what Grand Theft Auto IV managed to do, The Ballad of Gay Tony takes further. More cars, more activities, more characters, more content over-all! It's still GTA IV but with so much more, which to me makes this a steal at $19.99 (CDN).

My favorite thing about it up to this point is not only the new guns and vehicles, but definitely the fact that they brought back the parachute! I was a huge fan of it in San Andreas and it's good to see it return now. As for the game itself though, it's definitely more colorful than GTA IV, but I have noticed it to be rather glitchy. Like, more pop-ins, slower frame-rate and some of that stuff, but it was never enough to ruin the experience.

Sebastian Kain:

My over-all opinion of Grand Theft Auto 4: The Ballad of Gay Tony is that it is a very entertaining DLC. So far I haven’t noticed any problems with it what so ever. It allows the player to enjoy a plethora of activities from club management to sky diving. It also offers a wide variety of vehicles and weapons for the player to use at his or her disposal. The only thing I didn’t like was that the disc copy includes an updated, and in my opinion, much better and enjoyable soundtrack. Finally, this is Kain saying hope you have as much fun playing it as I ‘am. So check out this awesome trailer for it as well!!!

Girl Gamer Arrow:

The graphics were amazing, cool new cars added, hilarious yet offensive tv shows lol, hours of fun by free falling with the parashoots, difficult yet fun and cool fight scenes, and the multiplayer is still unmatched! I just wish I could get a chance to experience it more! Grr.. I'll be getting a PS3 soon

- Locke Downe, Sebastian Kain, Girl Gamer Arrow

Should I Pick Up This DLC?
Yes you should, but if you get a chance, buy the disk version! It's worth the radio station!



And you have the reassurance of having a physical copy which is always nice!
Hybrid Phoenix

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Featured Video: Marble Hornet's Introduction: Slenderman

Alright guys, I needed to share this with you because this is one of the creepiest things I've ever seen. After watching this video please go to their main page here and watch every entry. This is some freaky stuff!!!